Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday Afternoon's so-called Philosophical Despair!!!

I can't recall the exact time, but I'm sure it was afternoon and I was in DIN O ZENDEGI class. I can't recall whether I laughed or not, but, at least, I'm sure there was a smile on my face when I heard a sentence like this:" all the pleasures in this world are momentary, temporary and so forth and so on…
Now, after the passing of the years from those black and white frames, when I think deeply about that sentence, still I don't know the proper answer toward that and suddenly I see myself in that black and white frame, with my friends-probably laughing!
Excuse me-please read it with Morteza Azimi's accent! - I must say it in Persian: dige hichi hal be adam nemide! As simple as that Farsi sentence. But don't think that I'm thinking about suicide or something, not at all. Now I'm feeling suspense; As if I am a bubble or something and suddenly BOOM! However, maybe it's your pleasure time or even recalcitrant time! when you are flicking through this new post, I don't know…maybe you are in park, waiting for your girlfriend to come, so if you read these sentences, you will burst into laughter. Maybe you are shaving your face and now you are thinking about a cold lemonade juice and just that, nothing else…listen baby….your girlfriend will come and after that sweet meeting, bet your bottom dollar that you are alone again with an empty wallet( I think just Agha Motreza can escape from this dreadful and painful part of life)! Don't forget your face; you must shave it again dude!
Now what? Which dissertation? Grasping THE MOMENT in the moments or planning and sketching for our following days and nights…

I just don't know!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Kingdom of the Sun

If you look up the term kamikaze in your dictionary you'll find a definition like this: "used to describe someone who is willing to take risks, without caring about their safety."

Churchill sent a letter to Roosevelt, the president of the states, with this purport that the Allies had enough encumbers in the heart of Europe and they couldn't take measures about this new hellish might . USA had to face it before they lost every thing. USA had to fight with Japan.

American Army general, Douglas Macarthur, started to attack Japan, but Japan responded to the actions in the Pearl Harbor and annihilated all American naval forces in the Pacific Ocean. But in the Midway Battle, American bombers bombarded Japanese's great armada; on the other hand Britain put a stop to Japanese's advance. Japan was in the center of a war of attrition just like Germany.
A Japanese fleet admiral, Takishiro Onishi, after a short training course, decided to do something quite peculiar i.e. he said goodbye to his coworkers, boarded his fighter with 200 kilo explosives and vanished forever…at first American generals considered the attacks and encounters as a stroke of luck…but there was a blizzard on the way of Americans…
In 1944, when American navies were involved in the greatest maritime war ever, they faced bunches of Japanese fight. From every branch maybe one of the fighters could approach the American navies in per attack; however, the very one fighter was enough to sink a navy into the deep blue. Just in the Okinawa battle, in 1945, 2000 Japanese pilots pierced 300 American battleships; Japan just owned 64 battleships that time. The pilots those were famous as Kamikazes were the only reason of Japan's standing against the allies.
General Macarthur sent a latter to Truman, the new president, and explained the Japanese's motivation." In the case that you wanna win this war, you have two ways to react: first you must accept the death of one million of American troops and second…you need a miracle!"
Truman ended this war with Fat Man and Little Boy.

American naval forces didn't show any pictures and documentaries of Kamikazes' missions for many years. Images show that most of the Japanese pilots were about 17 to 22 years old and most of them were all educated students. There were some statements in the frameworks of their fighters like this: "I like my life but my country is more important than my life."

Kamikaze means wind of god in Japanese. It has been said that when Mongolian wanted to attack Japan, there was a blizzard that stopped them. Japanese called that blizzard kamikaze.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Centuries must come and go
Seas must be vacant and full over and over
Springs must become long and short
And even the people of world change for several times…
In order that a stone becomes a fossil


Don't be deceived with the stones
Don't be deceived by their happiness

fatigue is the only thing that is needed for your fossilization…

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I think the secret of our civilization's survival is in the answer of this little question. I did my best but unfortunately I couldn't draw a logical conclusion. So I leave this vital question to you.

Thank you beforehand and good luck!

A cab driver is driving in an expressway. When he is approaching a police man, he just lays the seatbelt on his trousers- he doesn't fasten it. Now and at this moment he can fasten it with a simple movement in order to save his life just in case that there will be an accident. (Considering his speed, it's very possible). Furthermore, the seatbelt isn't a nuisance and after a few seconds the driver gets used to it. All in all, he is the one who mainly shoulder the responsibility.

In spite of these facts, why this ……. Driver doesn't fasten the ……. seatbelt for the thousandth time?

For god's sake tell me, at that historical moment, what is he thinking about?!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Nobody writes scenario for life; by reason of all long afternoons of vanity, all elastic yawns of ennui, all infirm steps of quandary, and all shaking legs of prospect's anxiety and all numb hands which are beneath the chins. Life is a noble documentary; nobler than those documentaries which are tolerable by the divine blessings, named cinema and music and editing. However, in vacant moments of life, we can do something like listen to music and talk with somebody, but they are not included; we just improvise!

Sometimes you can smell the scent of the cinema in the air. Sometimes special effects mutate to some inescapable vistas; like when an airplane strike to a skyscraper just on front of your eyes, like when there is a eclipse in above of your head, like when the sky paint itself at twilights with orange clouds just like a watercolor tableau, like the very night that Real Madrid had a match with Barcelona. But still they are not included!

Sometimes you can smell the scent of the directing. Sometimes the details of our life's frames are so familiar to us that we are expecting to hear a "CUT"! Like a special book that you were looking for it for ages and suddenly it winks at you among the ordinary stuffs of an ordinary peddler, like when you are disappointed and somebody touch your shoulder with an extra ticket in her hand, like when somebody stole your briefcase with all important document on it, like when you feel a profound desolation in yourself and out of the blue, the taxi's radio or the café's player, play your favorite song.

You feel it; you feel that your face's skin becomes warm because of the projectors. You feel that this scene belongs to you…

But you don't know the dialogues!