It's raining. more than a day or two. Afternoons, midnights and dawns. It seems that it rains whenever it loves. And I can't do anything in rainy days; for instance, I can't watch TV, read my books and even complete my aphorisms that I have in my upper storey about this ……. life. I just go near the window, put my hand beneath the drops; then put on my clothes and head toward the street. I look up into the sky to wet my face, to drench my self to the skin, but still I'm not satisfied. I'm still anxious.
I should do something more important than walking, watching and getting wet.
This gift is different from so many craps that you watch and hear day and night. It's somehow invaluable present and I'm just looking at it!
I gotta do something.
And when I'm looking hastily for a way to enjoy it more and better, the rain stops and the sun comes out. Out of the blue, all the aphorisms and philosophical sentences about "How we can enjoy our moments" come to my mind. You know, I just ruined all my moments with this anxiety that what should I do- just like this.
I think it just a bloody craft that I will never learn it!
Now I'm thinking about my life; I'm thinking again and again.
Days turn to nights; weeks turn to months and…yes! Again it's raining.
I gotta do something!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
These Days...
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with umbrella; that is opened by a hand over someone else, in the middle of these days' driving rain in Karimkhan Street. The young gentleman who is the owner of the umbrella is wet through himself, but when he is looking at his lover's dry clothes, I can see a broad smile on his face. It seems that he had done the most unimportant thing for the most important creature in the face of the earth in his life. He perambulates under the tumult of the heavenly rain!
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with hand; those manly hands that are moving and shifting in Valieasr Street. When the cars come from right, left hand does his duty properly and catches hold of woman's right hand; when they reach the middle of the street, it's time for the right hand to catch the left hand of the woman. There is a slim chance of danger and accident, but the hands tell us that the lover's position is still there even if there isn't any possibility of accident; just before cars, in order to protect his love.
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with crash helmet; that very metallic orb which is told that can save the motorcyclist's life; the very crash helmet that our groom-neighbor has only an old one in the midst of the expenses of his new life. The very crash helmet which he used to wear it until a month ago. The very crash helmet which is worn by a young lady now. I don't know why he doesn't buy another one; but I know this very metallic orb is a symbol of their love at the moment!
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with this sort of pure street love; what a flash of pleasure it is to see these docudramas and improvisations in these days.
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with hand; those manly hands that are moving and shifting in Valieasr Street. When the cars come from right, left hand does his duty properly and catches hold of woman's right hand; when they reach the middle of the street, it's time for the right hand to catch the left hand of the woman. There is a slim chance of danger and accident, but the hands tell us that the lover's position is still there even if there isn't any possibility of accident; just before cars, in order to protect his love.
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with crash helmet; that very metallic orb which is told that can save the motorcyclist's life; the very crash helmet that our groom-neighbor has only an old one in the midst of the expenses of his new life. The very crash helmet which he used to wear it until a month ago. The very crash helmet which is worn by a young lady now. I don't know why he doesn't buy another one; but I know this very metallic orb is a symbol of their love at the moment!
Recently I'm falling in love; I'm falling in love with this sort of pure street love; what a flash of pleasure it is to see these docudramas and improvisations in these days.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dead Man Walking
I couldn't sleep after that. I couldn't help thinking about it. Even now I can hear their voices and their laughs while we were playing with each other. It seems their faces drag on forever in my mind, in my soul. Their laughs make me weep now, and I hate it. It just needs a flick to be remembered. Just like the discussion we had in our speaking and listening class, about death sentence. As you may remember, almost all the boys agreed on death sentence. Some of us told why we agreed and I must say that all of them were true in my humble opinion. Execution is a part of our law, not only pf our country, but also of many other countries. Maybe it's fair, maybe not. It's easy to take one's life; as easy as ABC. Believe me! Now, here I am, with a story about the past. About some people who are just memories now.
About 2 years ago, in our high school, we chose handball as our major sport and we were trying hard to qualify for Tehran's championship. At last our team was qualified. They told us the host field is "The Rehabilitation Center for young offenders" which was located in Shahre Ziba district. We were told that the Rehabilitation Center had a team that always was the winner of the competition. We went there. a dismal, gray prison with high walls. But when we headed there we thought that it was a school or something because there were some gay children there, playing loudly. It was pretty strange for all of us. Then we went into the field. There was a bunch of young people waiting for us. They were all bald, and they had ungracious appearances in first glance (later on, I found them so sensitive). I felt something. There was something missing. Something in their eyes. I can't describe it. Maybe it was envy or regret. Afterwards I figured out why they were there. They had committed crimes and they had to be there, counting days, until they could celebrate their 18 year-old birthday. Until government could take some serious actions about them. For some of them it meant salvation, for some, not. Meysam was an addict. He didn't want to be; they (drug trafficker) made him a junkie because they didn't want their little carrier to leave and never come back again. Even drug traffickers know some lines of the book of the law by heart. They know that government doesn't execute children. Meysam told us that his father abandoned them. He was an addict too. Meysam had to quit school and work hard to make a living for his family. Drug smugglers are waiting for such cases. They abuse innocent children by making them do some perilous work. If the child is arrested, no need to worry! There is always a new one! And Meysam was one of the victims. Except two of them (Kanoon's children), they were all there because of carrying drugs.
Jaber was one of them who was sentenced to death. He killed his friend in a street fight accidentally. Don't mistake manslaughter with murder. But the Judge considered it as a willful killing. I don't want to discuss the judge's verdict. Jaber did something wrong and there must be a punishment for him. The victim's family wanted only one thing: Nemesis. Things are so complicated to me even now. I can't understand why they wanted Jaber to be executed. What about forgiveness and mercy? Jaber was young and…he didn't mean it. He didn't mean to kill his friend. It was all an accident. Maybe revenge is sweet for them. I spent most of my time with Jaber over there. He didn't deserve that sentence. To be executed. He had great wishes and he wanted to be a professional handball player. He had a great talent for it and I was sure he would be.
We won all of the matches except the final match that we lost over to Kanoon's team. They were always the winners. Jaber was the top scorer.
One day, about 1 year ago, one of my friends sent me an SMS; they executed Jaber. "It was such cold water on my head." I couldn't breathe for a few moments.
He is dead now.
About 2 years ago, in our high school, we chose handball as our major sport and we were trying hard to qualify for Tehran's championship. At last our team was qualified. They told us the host field is "The Rehabilitation Center for young offenders" which was located in Shahre Ziba district. We were told that the Rehabilitation Center had a team that always was the winner of the competition. We went there. a dismal, gray prison with high walls. But when we headed there we thought that it was a school or something because there were some gay children there, playing loudly. It was pretty strange for all of us. Then we went into the field. There was a bunch of young people waiting for us. They were all bald, and they had ungracious appearances in first glance (later on, I found them so sensitive). I felt something. There was something missing. Something in their eyes. I can't describe it. Maybe it was envy or regret. Afterwards I figured out why they were there. They had committed crimes and they had to be there, counting days, until they could celebrate their 18 year-old birthday. Until government could take some serious actions about them. For some of them it meant salvation, for some, not. Meysam was an addict. He didn't want to be; they (drug trafficker) made him a junkie because they didn't want their little carrier to leave and never come back again. Even drug traffickers know some lines of the book of the law by heart. They know that government doesn't execute children. Meysam told us that his father abandoned them. He was an addict too. Meysam had to quit school and work hard to make a living for his family. Drug smugglers are waiting for such cases. They abuse innocent children by making them do some perilous work. If the child is arrested, no need to worry! There is always a new one! And Meysam was one of the victims. Except two of them (Kanoon's children), they were all there because of carrying drugs.
Jaber was one of them who was sentenced to death. He killed his friend in a street fight accidentally. Don't mistake manslaughter with murder. But the Judge considered it as a willful killing. I don't want to discuss the judge's verdict. Jaber did something wrong and there must be a punishment for him. The victim's family wanted only one thing: Nemesis. Things are so complicated to me even now. I can't understand why they wanted Jaber to be executed. What about forgiveness and mercy? Jaber was young and…he didn't mean it. He didn't mean to kill his friend. It was all an accident. Maybe revenge is sweet for them. I spent most of my time with Jaber over there. He didn't deserve that sentence. To be executed. He had great wishes and he wanted to be a professional handball player. He had a great talent for it and I was sure he would be.
We won all of the matches except the final match that we lost over to Kanoon's team. They were always the winners. Jaber was the top scorer.
One day, about 1 year ago, one of my friends sent me an SMS; they executed Jaber. "It was such cold water on my head." I couldn't breathe for a few moments.
He is dead now.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
"Smart people don't break the law; they just bend it a little"
Fracture is the name of a movie that I watched in Noruz, and I must say it astonished me that how a simple problem can confuse you just when you underestimate it! (A moral lesson that I got from this movie); and it's exactly what this picture wants to show you!
Talking about screenplay, this movie has one of the best; in a way that gives you information step by step and gradually, and the last season of the movie is the inevitable reason of the rest of the movie, not something imaginary and mannered! Fracture isn't more than a thriller movie if you glance at it. A punctilious viewer can find lots of point in it. For instance you can't notice any sudden shocks in this motion picture that exist in a common thriller movie.
Villain of the film (starred by Anthony Hopkins; Welsh-British stage and movie actor, winner of the 1992 Academy Award for Best Leading Actor for his role in "Silence of the Lambs".) is slick and touchable. I can't imagine anybody else instead of Hopkins for this role. Because of Hopkins and his talents in picturing a unique character; we have Joker's effect too! (Joker's effect just happens in the batman series, but I use it as a way to describe a situation in a movie that the villain [antihero] is the center of attention.)
The story is about a murder by a rich Scientist named Ted (Hopkins).Ted killed her wife because he found out a relationship between her and an officer. Although Ted loves her wife, he can't ignore it, and eventually it led to his wife death. But a smart plan is the only thing that Ted has…. I think it's better to see the movie yourselves instead of reading my nonsense sentences!
At the end I suggest this movie for those who want to watch a perfect thriller with a perfect story and perfect characters!
Have a perfect time!
Movie's score:****
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rachel getting married
Or Kym and her loneliness
There are many movies in the history of Hollywood that make you feel sad and blue. In many of them they are stereotypical; they use some tricks in order to bring tears to viewers' eyes. Some of them are sturdy, some of them are not. But still there is another kind of doleful movies that follow their ways individually. This movie, Rachel getting married, belongs to that group.
Movie starts suddenly with Kym, our leading role, in the yard of a rehab and we understand that she was a drug addict. Also we can feel some sort of strong and independent personality in Kym. She was away from home in a rehab in the middle of nowhere so it's not strange that she is independence. Just a glance to way she smokes the cigarette can reveals this fact. For the director it's not important why Kym became addictive in adolescence, how she caused her brother's death and when she was sent to that rehab. It seems that you are reading a book but not from its beginning. In this movie it's not important when and where we are, because time is stopped for Kym. There is no progress in her life. We can see insanity and losing identity in her personality. She needs some answers, but the problem is she doesn't know what the questions are. Let's back to the story: Rachel, her older sister, getting married and it's the reason they (managers of the rehab) let her to stay with her family for a few days during the wedding ceremony. She notices that the others treat with her as if she is dangerous. We see all the things behind Kym's glasses, so we have her feelings toward her environment as well. Maybe when her father don't let her to drive a car, he just did it because he thought that it's not a good time for her to drive a car and maybe she would lose car's control and make a trouble. But Kym just feel that they ignore her, they don't trust her anymore, and they don't want her to stay with them. There are some special meetings that Kym must participate in them. They are about sharing the feeling of addictive people; some sort of opening up the souls and hearts. We find her so dependent, so lonely when she shares. Maybe she deserved a better life but it was all her fault and she saw a gradual desolation that ruined her life. She can't see any salvation when she talk with her mother and called herself a junkie and you can see it in her eyes. "I can live whit it, but I can forgive myself, and sometimes I don't wanna believe in god that could forgive me. But I do want to be sober. I'm alive and I'm present and there is nothing controlling me. If I hurt someone, I hurt someone. I can apologize and they can forgive me or not. But I can change". All a can see is Kym's depression. She's giving up but she doesn't want to admit it that it's a submission to what destiny is. There is no "the end" in this movie because every thing was finished long times ago.
I remember Anne Hathaway in " Devil wears prada " a good movie starring Meryl Streep about fashion companies and also in " Became Jane ".She was inexperience there but in no time she could make it happen and nominated for Oscar in this movie .although she lost the competition and Kate Winselt won but it can't lower her values in this role and I can see a bright future for her. She has a unique performance that shows her talents and skill in playing not with body physics but with face, eyes, and silence. Eyes are the windows that show the true feelings and Anne Hathaway can do it heart and soul.
The movie "Rachel getting married" has also a special form of directing, editing and a very unique cinematography that makes you feel that all of the scenes are recorded in a simple Handy Cam and maybe you feel that it's some kind of documentary!
Talking about the music, I saw in one scene that a person (probably Iranian) playing music with a Santoor! In general the original score of this movie is so blue and so sad; in a way that makes you feel loneliness.
At the end, I suggest this movie for those who want to watch a simple movie that is also well-built and remember two things:
1. Making a simple movie is not always simple especially when the movie is about someone's feeling.
2. Simple is beautiful!
Or Kym and her loneliness
There are many movies in the history of Hollywood that make you feel sad and blue. In many of them they are stereotypical; they use some tricks in order to bring tears to viewers' eyes. Some of them are sturdy, some of them are not. But still there is another kind of doleful movies that follow their ways individually. This movie, Rachel getting married, belongs to that group.
Movie starts suddenly with Kym, our leading role, in the yard of a rehab and we understand that she was a drug addict. Also we can feel some sort of strong and independent personality in Kym. She was away from home in a rehab in the middle of nowhere so it's not strange that she is independence. Just a glance to way she smokes the cigarette can reveals this fact. For the director it's not important why Kym became addictive in adolescence, how she caused her brother's death and when she was sent to that rehab. It seems that you are reading a book but not from its beginning. In this movie it's not important when and where we are, because time is stopped for Kym. There is no progress in her life. We can see insanity and losing identity in her personality. She needs some answers, but the problem is she doesn't know what the questions are. Let's back to the story: Rachel, her older sister, getting married and it's the reason they (managers of the rehab) let her to stay with her family for a few days during the wedding ceremony. She notices that the others treat with her as if she is dangerous. We see all the things behind Kym's glasses, so we have her feelings toward her environment as well. Maybe when her father don't let her to drive a car, he just did it because he thought that it's not a good time for her to drive a car and maybe she would lose car's control and make a trouble. But Kym just feel that they ignore her, they don't trust her anymore, and they don't want her to stay with them. There are some special meetings that Kym must participate in them. They are about sharing the feeling of addictive people; some sort of opening up the souls and hearts. We find her so dependent, so lonely when she shares. Maybe she deserved a better life but it was all her fault and she saw a gradual desolation that ruined her life. She can't see any salvation when she talk with her mother and called herself a junkie and you can see it in her eyes. "I can live whit it, but I can forgive myself, and sometimes I don't wanna believe in god that could forgive me. But I do want to be sober. I'm alive and I'm present and there is nothing controlling me. If I hurt someone, I hurt someone. I can apologize and they can forgive me or not. But I can change". All a can see is Kym's depression. She's giving up but she doesn't want to admit it that it's a submission to what destiny is. There is no "the end" in this movie because every thing was finished long times ago.
I remember Anne Hathaway in " Devil wears prada " a good movie starring Meryl Streep about fashion companies and also in " Became Jane ".She was inexperience there but in no time she could make it happen and nominated for Oscar in this movie .although she lost the competition and Kate Winselt won but it can't lower her values in this role and I can see a bright future for her. She has a unique performance that shows her talents and skill in playing not with body physics but with face, eyes, and silence. Eyes are the windows that show the true feelings and Anne Hathaway can do it heart and soul.
The movie "Rachel getting married" has also a special form of directing, editing and a very unique cinematography that makes you feel that all of the scenes are recorded in a simple Handy Cam and maybe you feel that it's some kind of documentary!
Talking about the music, I saw in one scene that a person (probably Iranian) playing music with a Santoor! In general the original score of this movie is so blue and so sad; in a way that makes you feel loneliness.
At the end, I suggest this movie for those who want to watch a simple movie that is also well-built and remember two things:
1. Making a simple movie is not always simple especially when the movie is about someone's feeling.
2. Simple is beautiful!
Movie's score: ****
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